Thursday, August 16, 2012

Watch List 08/17/12

Another great for alerts.It has been great week so far. Lets keep the good time rolling until it stops.  FN 12 based for a long time and had a beast run to 12.90. ES 2.44 alerts was good for a 7% gain. MX , old 13.44 alert was great for a run to 14.28. WY 24 alert was good for .50c. I also had other good trades in the chat with SNCR CTRP and BAK.

If you are interested in trading these setups with me and learn trading, live in a chat room with a super team of traders, please send me an email for info. 

Readers ,one of the greatest momentum trader I know and a  friend Kunal Desai at Bulls on Wall Street starting his 3rd Trading Boot camp  starting August 19. The responses and feedback from previous two camps has been amazing. 
If you are a beginner trader and having difficulty trading  you should really consider spending few bucks for this boot camp before loosing pretty much all of your capital as 90% traders loose money in this business. Learn how to be consistent money making machine. A skill that will pay you for a lifetime.If you are already making money , this will teach you some new tricks for explosive short term trading gains and will provide you with a new edge.
This interactive webinar based  boot camp will run  for 16 days. You will meet Kunal  4 nights a week for a month learning the most coveted  and exclusive money making  trading strategy  and after you will meet  3 times a week for a month to review and apply whatever you learned .
If you are interested, send me an email for additional discount.
Click here for more info.

Old TUMI 21.60, MDAS 16.29 alert looks great for tomorrow.

AMAT 12 .05 is an area for the stock.

BSFT Watching 40 on a good intraday setup.

BZH Not a bad setup over 2.91,  as its bouncing both 50/200 SMA.

EPAY Like the way  its holding up 200 MA after earning move. Watching 23.50 area.

FST Oil name looks decent over 7.70.

GTI Flagging again. Watching over 11.10 for a setup.

INXN All time high breakout at 20.30. Set an alert.

IPHI 200 MA  at 11.60. Watching  if goes  through on next  tap.

LSCC Like it over 4.06 for a trade.

OC Over 31 should be an easy trade to 32.

ONTY Over 4.64 for a continuation scalp.

OVTI 200 MA and range break out at 15.

TIVO 9.30 looks good for a trade.

XXIA  Flagging, no clean number  but watching 15.25 area.

YNDX 21.79 is a big area.

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