Monday, August 27, 2012

Watch List 08/28/2012

Unless you were holding some swings from Friday, it was a pretty boring day in the Markets. I had some SRPT swings from Friday and traded ARNA 8.85 to 9.30, DNKN from 28.40 to 28.9 in the chat room and twitted about it. When all your alerts triggers  right at open, it tends to get trickier. In that case i just wait at least 15/20 minuets to see if I can find something worthwhile.Today was one of those days where pretty much everything triggered and by 10 AM, I saw very few follow trough.
ARNA was a 50 MA/9.33  target play over 8.85. It took to two tries to catch the trade. Click chart to see the play.

If you are interested in trading these setups with me and learn trading, live in a chat room with a super team of traders, please send me an email for info. 

BPAX 1.61 is an area to watch. Good volume today.

DK Watching over 25.75 for a trade. Strong sector.

GTIV  This one getting ready to make a move again. 11.29 is the last high.

IDIX  Over 6.32 is gap fill area. May be a red to green move.

NSPH Bio. name. 3.71 is the breakout area.

PZZI  Flagging  above 20 EMA. No clean number, may be over 3.44 on flag break.

SREV Watching 9.20 area.

XNPT Breakout watch over 9/9.05.

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